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Sensible Marketing Blog

Personal Brand Identity, 4 Characteristics Define Adult Identity

Four Traits To Support Your Personal Brand Identity

Remember when you were a child, and the perks of being "all-grown-up" meant you can do whatever you wanted? You…

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Sankaty Head Lighthouse In Cape Cod

Creating the artwork for Sankaty Head Lighthouse . . . I must admit, was not a landmark that was top-of-mind.…

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When the direction you count on changes a new direction becomes necessary

Setting Up An Online Art Shop

In 2023 I wrote a few articles about my efforts to open my own online art shop. Throughout that year,…

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GDUSA Award for Anchor Family Medicine

IntreXDesign Receives National Award For The Identity Of Anchor Family Medicine

Very excited to share that IntreXDesign has won a national GDUSA award in the Brand Identity category for our work…

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computer and notebook shot

Working With A Graphic Designer

We all know that marketing is essential for any prosperous venture. Therefore the importance of connecting with an audience is…

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