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our creative design process

Build a Marketing Strategy That Works
Communicate With A Purpose

create • promote • connect

Through a tailored and personal approach to your marketing, we’ll build a promotional strategy, with simple ways to capitalize on your value-added benefits. We’ll show you how.

written goals on notepad
keyboard and logo designs on table
Lead With Confidence
We know you want to be unique. Yet instinctively wonder, how can you separate yourself among a bustling marketplace and still stand out to generate an income. It’s a legitimate concern. One, we get asked frequently.

To stand out it’s important to know your objectives, and capitalize on special attributes, consumer benefits, and distinct trade values to emerge uniquely. By creating a personal marketing strategy, we’ll tailor a plan to achieve your competitive positioning.

Here’s Our Creative Design Approach

step 1

We listen, and ask questions, to understand your product or service (so-called your brand)


 step 2

We’ll talk about your goals, budget, and form an action plan, to provide the best return on your investment


step 3

We’ll identify your unique qualities and candidly discuss a personal approach to attract and connect with your audience

 step 4

As your trusted partner, we’ll collaborate on distinct ways to add visability to your brand and build recognition


step 5

We’ll graphically enhance your brand using visual design to promote your message


 step 6

Then we’ll create workable ways to market your product or service with simple ways to stand out

Visual Messaging and Informative Content
IntreXDesign believes in educating our clients on ways that strengthen their brand. Our role is to creatively develop visual designs that attract, resonate, and impact your audience—delivering a message across all forms of marketing media.

Ready to get started? We’ll even offer you a free consult.

Are You Thinking . . .

• you know marketing is not your forte; but delegating the task to an employee last time, did not go as expected

• your marketing may not be top of mind; but putting it out of your mind periodically is not moving forward

• your marketing has you flummoxed (the term means confused; all words created should be used at least once)

• you know support can be valuable; even the architect who built the Leaning Tower of Pisa knew he needed extra support

• you wonder, are you choosing the right service? If you’re still reading this, we’re off to a good start

• you’re conscious about return on investment; but what’s better than a free consult?

If yes, to any {or all} of these questions; you need us.

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